Respect The Wind

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Drifting Apart

After several months of afterwork practice and lugging my guitars and gears around studios, the old half of our band has decided that its not working out and both of us have had it.

The last rehearsal was so horrible, that i nearly snapped. It was a bad night, the bassist had me waiting at the mall for more than 30 minutes without answering calls and messages. Was already burned out when I got there, and the shaky groove of the rhythm section just did it for me. :-

I talked with Albert this afternoon, and hes about had it too. Meet up with our rhythm section to annouce that we are gonna disband this mess. Luckily though, Albert was able to hook up with Alain, an old acquaintance, my teachers old bandmate. Were gonna take a break and then meet up with the new rhythm section. I see some veterans coming aboard and much older guys, this looks like it will work but this time we'll definitely choose to our liking.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

A Bards Woe

It's been an easy day, not much work but its still troublesome having to work on saturdays. I should be at home studying and woodshedding.

After this week, its gonna be a full 2 weeks without a rehearsal. The other week I got so frustrated inside the studio while my arm was taking a beating. My left arm was getting sore would almost lose my grip of the neck everytime I'd do a wide vibrato. It was becoming too painful not bacause the piece was difficult but because I have to go through the solo spot over and over and over and over again, I think I nearly got burned out of our drummer and bassist Angry

Whats missing? Well the guys are fine, but they are not playing in the pocket so the whole drive is in utter disarray at times. I hope they do their homeworks now. I probably can't blame them as I spend every waking moment thinking about it. When idle, I'd sometimes think of a random key and would map out the intervals and extract the notes constituting its major scale (my assignment) and identify the modes I am familiar with. Sometimes I'd burst out of the office to catch my bus ride home, to be there as early as possible just to be able practice, study, and noodle about. I even miss my guitars! Cry

Today I asked a friend who owns a studio to give me leads to smallish projects so I could remain active outside my room. Teaching gigs, session work, whatever, just to further develop my self as a musician. I hope something turns out. I even told our singer to do some side projects while were waiting to move out in full force.

I hope those two bone-up real quick because I really miss having not to worry about the rhythm section while I do my thing. Oh well, can't rush musical maturity. Since practice is cancelled I'm gonna drop by at Sam's place to try out his delay pedal and new guitar and try again his 7-string. I bet Chihiro will beat the crap out of his fingers

Friday, February 09, 2007

Afternoon Moment

I could almost feel the prickly heat of the afternoon outside. The leaves swaying by the beat of the warm breeze. I feel like I am dreaming of home. My home outside the merciless metropolis.

To sit underneath the shade and look at the clouds racing across the sky. Hear the whisper of the playful breeze telling me to breathe. Closing my eyes and drawing the sweet air, old memories rush in, and I am drawn to a plunge deep into the center of my person. Time to breathe.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Keep Doing

I've been bothered lately about the quality of my picking technique after viewing briefly Paul Gilberts instructional video. I have come to take a bit of pride in my picking ability only to find out that I have not learned to really get a hold of it. Since the other week I've been working on that aspect of my technique.

These are one of the times when I wish I had a teacher to guide my growth. I guess I didn't have the wisdom to look past what I was capable of 5 or 6 years ago before I took a hiatus to pursue my college degree and implicitly turned my back to my real purpose. I guess theres no sense in drilling my thoughts into it. I have lost valuable time and I can no longer afford that. I now have the means to do what I've been meant to do half a decade ago, its time to fly once more.